Report reveals the main countries where the United States deports individuals

Repatriation flights mainly go to Central American nations, although there are also transfers outside of this continent.

Migrantes con cubrebocas y esposados de manos y pies a bordo de una aeronave militar en Fort Bliss, el jueves 30 de enero de 2025, en El Paso, Texas, mientras esperan a ser deportados a Guatemala. (AP Foto/Christian Chavez) AP (Christian Chavez/AP)

The agents of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) continue to be deployed in the United States, carrying out the government’s mass deportation order under President Donald Trump. After the detention of illegal immigrants, a whole process follows, which ends with their transfers on flights to their home countries. What are the main countries where the deportees are taken to?


A report from Witness at the Border revealed which countries the United States deports the most individuals to. The findings are based on transfers from the last 12 months up to February 2025.


Deportation flights are mostly going not only to Central or Latin American countries, but also to Asia and Europe.

Countries where the United States deports individuals

La Nación detailed that according to Witness at the Border, the main countries where the United States deports individuals are Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador.

Guatemala leads the first place, as the nation that receives the most deportees, registering 452 flights out of the 1532 made in the last 12 months, which means it received 29.5% of the deported immigrants. Out of this total number of flights, 24 were in February 2025 and 31 the previous month. However, this figure is 27% lower than in the last six months and a 50% decrease compared to the same period of the previous year.

Honduras takes second place, with 299 deportee flights in the last 12 months, which is 20% of the total. In February 2025, they received 22 transfers.

The third place goes to El Salvador with 115 flights in the last 12 months, 8% of the total.

Next is Mexico with 169 flights in 12 months, 11%. In February 2025, they received 13 trips, but this represents an 800% increase compared to the same month last year.

The list continues with Colombia having 132 flights in the last 12 months (9%) and Ecuador with 125 (8%). Compared to last year, in January and February of 2025, they experienced a 78% increase in the reception of deported flights.

It is striking that deportations from the United States increased towards countries outside of America. In February 2025, they made 13 flights to nations in Africa, such as Mauritania, Kenya, and Cameroon, which represents 10% of the total for that month.

India has sent four flights so far this year, which is 200% more than last year.


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