Alzheimer is a progressive disease that affects memory and is currently diagnosed in around 46.8 million people worldwide. It is estimated that there are nearly seven million patients with this condition and related dementias in the United States. According to experts, diet and a sedentary lifestyle can increase the chances of developing Alzheimer’s, so in the following lines, we will present the drinks that increase the risk of Alzheimer’s.
Alzheimer's risk factors are diverse, including obesity, sedentary lifestyle, genetic factors, age, family history, social isolation, smoking, diabetes, poor hearing, among others.
It is important, to the extent possible, for people to reduce or eliminate habits that make them prone to Alzheimer's.
Drinks that increase the risk of Alzheimer's
The New York Post reviewed that gastroenterologist Sethi Saurabh mentioned three popular drinks that increase the risk of Alzheimer's:
-Soda and diet sodas: Saurabh pointed out that these drinks are not good for the brain. In recent years, they have become normalized in human consumption, but the truth is that according to the expert, these drinks are harmful, as they are sweetened with aspartame, which is bad for gut bacteria, and the intestines are directly related to the brain.
A study from the College of Medicine at Florida State University (FSU) found a direct relationship between aspartame and memory problems. Studies with mice determined that those who consumed more aspartame had deficits in learning and memory.
A committee of the World Health Organization (WHO) declared that the sweetener is "possibly carcinogenic to humans."
-Alcohol: Dr. Sethi Saurabh expressed that alcohol is bad for human beings. "It negatively affects intestinal bacteria and liver health, as well as harming sleep, which is crucial for brain health," he explained.
Although alcohol causes drowsiness, it interrupts the stages of deep sleep, and a study from the Harvard Medical School found that "people who get less than five hours of sleep per night are twice as likely to develop dementia as those who sleep six to eight hours," The Post reports.
Deep sleep is essential as it restores the body, strengthens the immune system, fortifies muscles and bones, slows down brain activity, and reduces blood pressure.
In addition, alcohol increases the risk of obesity, and obese people are more likely to develop various types of cancer and Alzheimer's disease.
People over 65 years old may experience more negative effects from alcohol.
-Sports drinks: Sports drinks are high in sugars and the fact that they do not contain fiber causes these sugars to be quickly absorbed into the body, increasing the risk of insulin resistance and diabetes, which in turn increases the risk of Alzheimer's.
Diabetics are part of the population at risk for Alzheimer's because sugar can accumulate in the brain and damage its blood vessels, and it can also stimulate inflammation.